[Team. Lune] Solo Relay Third Pue[SeeU] Individual Battle
Team. Lune's first project, the solo track relay, has started.
The first theme is ' Personality. '
● Vocal.
Pue [https://twitter.com/Ssinna _ Ppue]
● Illust.
Captain Korea [https://twitter.com/captinkorea0516]
● Mix.
Entas [https://twitter.com/Entas4521]
● Pvs.
Dalco [https://twitter.com/dalko0530]
본가?V = P0 WdM qwNNQ
▷ Comment
Pue : I sang high notes really hard, so thank you for listening until the end.
One song per week, so please give us lots of love!
See Original

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